Bush, the CIA, Giuliani's Girlfriend and Proportions.
A quick comment on this week's news and this morning's meet the press: I must admit there are some things where I cease to understand what is going on in this country.
The government de-classified the latest National Intelligence Estimate saying Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. That came unexpected, but is basically good news, right? Yet this report has been around the administration (while classified) for quite some time, so the government knew of this when Bush delivered his "World War III"-speech... Also the CIA apparently destroyed interrogation videos, I think everybody can see why this is at least somewhat suspicious.
Yet, watch meet-the-press with Republican candidate Rudy "9-11" Giuliani. The candidate who runs almost exclusively on the security issue and thinks waterboarding is an acceptable interrogation technique. As if there weren't more interesting things to spend time on, the show turns into a ten minute questioning on whether and when a security detail for his girlfriend was justified? This is crazy. The state (sadly enough) has to protect its representatives and those close to them. Period. The "softer and gentler" Swedish democracy thought differently and paid for it by loosing Olof Palme and Anna Lindh. But it goes on and on. Tim Russert asks - with a timbre of indignation in his voice - whether the secret service should protect a president's mistress. Well, I would guess so. It's not at all the police's decision how someone behaves in his private life, but rather to make sure an elected representative is not at risk, and this includes the possibility of blackmail... But to save the chance that all the other hypocrites might start liking (or at least vote for) him at some point, Giuliani says "No"...